True Confession: I’m stuck in two relationships, what do I do?

Hi Daily Post,

I’m a lady of 25. I have been in an undefined relationship for about 6 months. Because of the air of uncertainty; when I was linked up with another guy in the United States, I didn’t hesitate. Even though we started on the ground that we were just keeping each other company, at the moment, the whole story has changed as the young man has proposed to keep me for life. I am still not very sure of his promises, as the same friend of mine who got us hooked up has come up with another story that the he was engaged to another lady before his trip out of the country, and that they were making arrangement to formalize their marriage soon.

My confusion stemmed from the fact that the guy takes me seriously as I have never experienced this kind of sincere love before. It appears I’m gradually saying goodbye to my old boyfriend. I doubt what my friend has told me about my new love, who has already taken my breathe away. I don’t know what to believe any more.

Even though I have not told my old boyfriend about my decision to call off the relationship yet, I’m greatly confused as I can’t afford to lose both men. What happens if I make my intention public and both guys vamoose. God! I’m confused.

I really need your candid advice.



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True Confession: I’m stuck in two relationships, what do I do?






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