Bawku: youth want social media warmonger arrested

By Haruna Sumaila Abugri

A youth group in Bawku is calling on state security authorities to arrest and prosecute one AbiolaMashud, for what they described as his unending social media warmongering activities. Abiola, said to be domiciled in Qatar, is accused of inciting the prolongedBawkuchieftaincy conflict through videos and audios usually shared on various social media platforms.

The Kussaug Youth Movement has described his recent audio byte as distasteful,where he called on his tribe men to burn down the palace of the BawkuNaba. He postulated in the said audio that BawkuNabahas died and was secretly buried. In a released copied to The Herald, the Kussaug Youth Movement is demanding for his arrest and prosecution. 

Below is the release:                                                                                                                     


2ND APRIL, 2024



Kusaug Youth Movement (KYM) wishes to draw the attention of the Bawku Municipal Security Council (MUSEC), the Upper East Regional Security Council (REGSEC) and the National Security to a viral audio recording made by one Abiola Mashud, which is circulating on social media. Abiola Mashud, a self-styled Mamprusi warmonger is heard in the audio issuing threats to among other things to burn down the Palace of the Overlord of Kusaug Traditional Area, Bawku Naaba Zugraan Asigri Abugrago Azoka II.

In the said audio recording, which is readily available for you to listen and which we can provide on request, Abiola is heard alleging that the Overlord of the Kusaug Traditional Area is dead and has been buried in the Palace. According to him, the Mamprusi Youth will buy petrol and go to burn down the Palace among other unprintable invectives.

This is not the first time Abiola Mashud is making such pronouncements with very negative implications for the peace and security of Bawku.

It appears that anytime there is semblance of peace in Bawku, Abiola and his Mamprusi cohorts always find ways to foment trouble with such reckless social media rhetorics. They continuously incite their tribesmen, especially their youth to engage in lawlessness and criminal acts to create confusion and insecurity in Bawku.

We therefore believe that it is time for such criminal elements to be arrested and made to face the full rigours of the laws of Ghana. They must be dealt with as criminals who hide behind a non existing chieftaincy dispute in Bawku to create insecurity in the once most vibrant commercial town

of the whole Upper East region. If Abiola Mashud and the youth of Mamprugu in general think the Bawku chieftaincy dispute was not settled by the Supreme Court of Ghana in 2003, then, they should proceed to court rather than engaging in lawlessness. Our lawyers are ready any day to meet them in court if they believe they have a case in this regard.

We wish to reiterate and assure MUSEC, REGSEC and the National Security our commitment to peace and security in Bawku.

We will continue to coexist with all tribes that reside peacefully on our land while taking every lawful step to protect it against criminal and lawless acts by people like Abiola Mashud and his cohorts. It is therefore our hope that as the institutions with the mandate to

ensure peace and security in Bawku, you will not fail the youth, women and children of Kusaug in ensuring that Abiola Mashud is arrested and prosecuted for creating fear and panic in Bawku through his audio recordings.

This will ensure that people like Abiola Mashud who act as stumbling blocks to the peace and security we seek in Bawku, Walewale and Ghana as a whole dealt with according to law and dueprocess. We trust in your ability to act right and believe you will not fail us in doing so.



 Cc: Municipal Chief Executive,Bawku.

Regional Minister, Upper East Region.

National Security

Municipal Security Council

 Regional Security Council

 Ghana Police Service

Ghana Army.


The post Bawku: youth want social media warmonger arrested appeared first on The Herald ghana.

 The Herald ghana 






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