The divestment by Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) may have been successful but lawsuits from their landlords in the oil
read more Shell’s landlords in Bonny line up $5bn land lease lawsuit in the UK over divestment
The divestment by Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) may have been successful but lawsuits from their landlords in the oil
read more Shell’s landlords in Bonny line up $5bn land lease lawsuit in the UK over divestment
The Healthcare Federation of Nigeria (HFN) has commended the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) for implementing the two-year import duty and read more HFN lauds implementation of waivers on pharma raw…
MRS Oil Nigeria Plc has notified its shareholders and the investing public that the Company has concluded arrangements for the read more MRS concludes plans to delist fro NGX